Saturday, December 20, 2014

13 free books from Dana Marton and friends!

What a holiday treat for romance readers!  Dana Marton and 11 bestselling romance author friends have joined together for a fantastic promotion.  Each of the 13 authors have offered a book for FREE.  No catch, no gimmicks.  Simply visit the website and click on the buy links for each book.

But wait!  There's more!  Readers can vote on the best cover or best blurb, and they'll be entered into a $100 gift card raffle.  Contest ends 1/1/15.

The authors are trying something new and neato, and they would love the help of bloggers - they're using Thunderclap to help get the word out about these free books. Thunderclap is a way to harness social media for maximum effect.  Readers can support these authors and the promotion by clicking on the Thunderclap link below and Thunderclap will post for them on the social media of their choice on 12/24 at 12pm.  This will be the ONLY time Thunderclap will post for them - it's a one-time deal.  Think flash mob for posters and tweeters!
Here is the Thunderclap link:

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